martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

Poetry time!

The Cat

Cat, cat
beautiful cat,
brown and white,
small with a hat.
It's got brow eyes
and eats lemon pies.

               Romina Morán - CH3

The Bear

The bear can run
and can walk too.
The bear can dance
like me and like you.
Bear, bear, beautiful bear
brown and black,
and white, I swear!

                         Sofía Lartigue - CH1


The Rabbit

Rabbit, rabbit

beautiful rabbit,|
white, grey, brown and black.
Long ears, small nose.
Eats carrots and sleeps a lot.

                             Gimena Rosas - CH2

The Mouse

Mouse, mouse,
beautiful mouse.
Small and clever,
it's always fast.
Slow? Never!
He loves cheese
but he hates peas.

                  Milagros Martinez - CH2


The Penguin

Penguin, penguin
beautiful penguin
black and white
in the white snow.
Small and clever,
nice forever.
The best animal 
that I know.
                        Luciana Tancredi - CH2

The crocodile

The crocodile is big
and it's green too.
It lives in the swamp and it's dangerous! Buuu!!!

                           Ezequiel Castellvis - CH2

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